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Data Model

Core Content Set

A core content set is a collection of content that’s defined by metadata rules. The content in a core set belongs together because the content is about the same subject. Our first core sets contain topics that are about acute and chronic conditions.


It is important to know that a core set does not contain all content about a subject.

  • A core set is identified by a unique ID.
  • You can request a set by its ID.
  • A core set is described by a health concept in our taxonomy (or index).
  • You can search for core sets by a concept ID.


Health concepts describe what content and core content sets are about.

Concepts span acute and chronic conditions, tests and treatments, wellness, and prevention. Concepts have associated keywords, synonyms, and relevant medical codes that you can get from the core content sets and content. Each concept has a unique ID.


Aspects specifically describe a slice of the concept, such as what is asthma.

  • What is = Aspect
  • Asthma = Concept

The core sets have five basic aspects:

  • What Is
  • Signs and Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment Overview
  • Self-Care Overview

Aspects are identified by their aspect label. You can see the list of aspects in the core set. You can use the corresponding aspect label to request content and renditions with a core set.


Content contains metadata such as concepts, associated medical codes, audiences, and age ranges. You can request the content by an HWID or through a core content set and aspect.


A rendition is the visual presentation of the content. The rendition includes the text, title, images, but does not include metadata.

A rendition is identified by an HWID and localization. You can request the rendition by an HWID and localization or through a core content set, aspect, localization, and size.