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Common Data Patterns

Sparse Fieldsets

When fetching resources from the Delivery Service, you can customize the information you receive. Specifying the attributes reduces the response payload, optimizing the performance.

If you do not choose specific attributes, you still get essential resource identifiers, but taking a moment to review and select the attributes ensures you get the data you need for a tailored and efficient experience.

If a resource does not have data specified for a requested attribute, the field is omitted.


Pagination is a mechanism used to divide a large dataset into smaller chunks (pages). All functions that return a list of resources support pagination. Top and skip parameters are used to navigate through a list.

  • The top parameter specifies the maximum number of resources to be retrieved from the beginning of the list.
  • The skip parameter determines the number of resources to skip from the beginning of the list before retrieving the specified top number of results.

For example, if you want to retrieve ten results at a time then the top parameter would be set to ten. As you paginate through the data, specify skip in increments of ten to move to the next ten resources.

Every paginated response includes the total number of resources that match your query. This value should be referenced to adjust your top and skip parameters accordingly to retrieve all information.

Intentional Gaps

If an aspect is not clinically applicable to a specific subject, Healthwise explicitly tells you there is an intentional gap. For example, Emotional Eating will not have a diagnostics or treatment overview

Usage Tracking

When making API calls, you can include a brief description about why you are making the API call. Filling out this information is optional; however, it helps us understand your use cases and assists in troubleshooting any issues that might come up.